EnviroAnt Workshop, Tallinn 2021 programme

Please note that the timezone for this conference is Eastern European Summer Time (EEST, UTC +3)

Day 1, 14 October 2021

09:00   Welcome and Introduction

09:30   Keynote 1: Rasa Smite and Raitis Smits

Sensing Environments. Artistic Practices and Methodologies Revealing the Eco-Systematic Relations

10:45   coffee

11:15   Pecha Kucha Panel 1: Contesting the relations of landscape, art and environment

1.         Sandro Simon (University of Cologne).

Bidonmondes: Sensing Friction, Grasping Hope.

2.         Carlo A. Cubero, PhD (Tallinn University, Estonia)

Time at Lahemaa National Park: Thinking with a Camera.

3.         Jeanne Féaux de la Croix (University of Tübingen, Germany)

The Naryn and Syr Darya: Displaying a Virtually Ruined River to Release a Riparian Otherwise in Central Asia?

4.         John Grzinich (Estonian Academy of Arts)

An Ear to the Earth: Sensing otherness through listening practices.

5.         Laura Kuusk (Estonian Academy of Arts)

From action to practice: Working with art and environment.

6.         Kitija Balcare (University of Latvia)

What will remain after us? Site-specific theatre in Latvia in times of pandemic.

7.         Alessandro Rippa and Carlin Maertens (LMU Munich)

Hunting, conservation, and multi-species entanglements: Outlining a visual project from the Italian Alps.

8.         Marie Lusson and Christelle Gramaglia (French Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment Sciences (INRAE)

Repairing the rivers of the Anthropocene: the story of a socio-visual experiment to move from technical action to care.

9.         Eeva Berglund (Aalto University)

The social in environmental imaginings – thoughts from a teacher.

12:15   Discussion

13:00   Lunch

14:00   Artist’s responses / excursion

Evening dinner

Day 2, 15 October 2021

09:00   Keynote 2: Annika Lems (Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle/Saale)

Precarious Politics of Placemaking: Why the Historicity of Environmental Future Imaginaries Matters

10:15   Coffee

10:45   Pecha Kucha Panel 2: Ruined pasts, ruined futures

1.         Nikolaos Olma (Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient)

“No Future, Only Ruins”: De-industrialisation and Toxicity in a former mining town in Kyrgyzstan.

2.         Dragan Djunda (Central European University)

Hope at the ruins of energy transition in rural Serbia.

3.         Michaela Haug (University of Cologne)

Solidarity and Hope in Ruined Forests: Envisioning a Just Transition in the Palm Oil Industry

4.         Man-kei Tam (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Activism after Fukushima: Citizens, Experts, and Farmers on a “Decontaminated” Landscape.

5.         Joonas Plaan, (Tallinn University and Estonian Fund for Nature)

Nature tourism in Anthropocene landscapes.

6.       Markéta Zandlová (Charles University)

From ruins to sustainability: creative world-making.

11:45   Discussion

12:30   Lunch

13:30   Keynote 3: Stine Krøijer (University of Copenhagen)

            Activism and its futures in landscapes of broken developmental dreams

14:45   Coffee

15:15   Pecha Kucha panel 3: Hope and activism across boundaries

1.         Larisa Kurtović and Yanna Jović (University of Ottawa)

Saving Lake Nula: Postindustrial Natures and Post-Extractive Futures in Postwar Bosnia Herzegovina.

2.         Eunice Blavaskunas (Whitman College in Walla Walla)

Resurgence: Outbreaks of Bark Beetle and Nationalism in the Białowieża Forest, Poland.

3.         Maike Melles (Frobenius Institute for Research in Cultural Anthropology)

Environmentalism and the Problem of Epistemic Superiority: Hierarchies of Knowledge between Landowners and Land Workers in the Spanish Dehesa Landscape

4.         Ruy Llera Blanes and Carolina Valente Cardoso (University of Gothenburg)

‘Building Communities’, Hope and Citizenship Frameworks in the Face of Drought, Devolution and Death in Southern Angola.

5.         Helen Vaaks (Lahemaa National Park)

Endangered species, threats and conservation: The life of freshwater pearl mussels in the hands of humans

6.        Arev Papazian (Central European University)

‘Careless’ fishermen and puzzled activists: conflicting stances toward the ecological change of Armenia’s Lake Sevan

7.         Jeannine-Madeleine Fischer (University of Konstanz)

Toxic Tours through Cancer Alley

16:15   Discussion

17:00   Final remarks